Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Frog Morris Presents: InAppropriation @ The Montague Arms

8th July saw another one of Frog's splendid evenings. We have already established in an earlier post that I am not the most unbiased of reviewers, but I don't think I am being too partial to say the caliber of the acts gets better all the time. From one headliner a month, we seem to be getting several acts with a claim to the title each time. 

This month saw a tentacle headed crooner HP Lovebox, the return of "Vox Wonder the Voice Activated Drawing Machine" with inappropriate collages. The mesmerizing Duncan Ward, who's performances bring a packed pub to stunned silence. Mark Quinn's Ice-Cream face brought the crowd to unbelieving laughter and tears in his best recieved solo performance at the Montague Arms to date. Vicky Gold presented an autobiographical piece featuring well known artist and the demise of their relationship, The band Trelawney were undoubtedly popular and brought a large crowd with them. And of course there was Frog - accompanied by his faithful puppets, 2 pints of milk and a bunch of flowers.

H.P. Lovebox

H.P Lovebox
Duncan Ward

Duncan Ward

Ice-Cream Face

Mark Quinn: Ice-Cream Face

Frog Morris & Piggy Wiggy

Frog Morris & Puppets

Vox Wonder

Vox Wonder - The Voice Activated Drawing Machine



Vicky Gold

Vicky Gold

And of course there are lots more photos of the evening on flickr !


  1. Looks like you had another fantastic night!! See you on Saturday. Dxxx

  2. Oh wish I could have made it! Awesome pix - can't wait for the next one xxx

  3. keren mas buat infonya dan salam sukses selalu

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  5. artikelnya sangat bagus, terima kasih telah membagi informasi tersebut

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  7. Menarik sekali, perlu saya coba ini..
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  8. Mau mendapatkan pelayanan yang baik dan ramah???

    Modal Kecil bisa mendapatkan hasil yg luar biasa...
